


This condition is characterized by fever, desquamating rash, circulatory collapse and multi-organ involvement. It is caused by staphylococcal toxins and early cases were thought to arise with tampon use.


Most commonly, Staphylococcus aureus (staph) bacteria cause toxic shock syndrome. The syndrome can also be caused by group A streptococcus (strep) bacteria.


Toxic shock syndrome can affect anyone. About half the cases of toxic shock syndrome associated with staphylococci bacteria occur in women of menstruating age; the rest occur in older women, men and children. Streptococcal toxic shock syndrome occurs in people of all ages.

Toxic shock syndrome has been associated with:

  • Having cuts or burns on your skin
  • Having had recent surgery
  • Using contraceptive sponges, diaphragms, superabsorbent tampons or menstrual cups
  • Having a viral infection, such as the flu or chickenpox


Possible signs and symptoms of toxic shock syndrome include:

  • A sudden high fever
  • Low blood pressure
  • Vomiting or diarrhea
  • A rash resembling a sunburn, particularly on your palms and soles
  • Confusion
  • Muscle achesUploaded Image
  • Redness of your eyes, mouth and throat
  • Seizures
  • Headaches


Toxic shock syndrome can progress rapidly. Complications may include:

  • Shock
  • Renal failure
  • Death


Manufacturers of tampons sold in the United States no longer use the materials or designs that were associated with toxic shock syndrome. Also, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration requires manufacturers to use standard measurement and labeling for absorbency and to print guidelines on the boxes.

If you use tampons, read the labels and use the lowest absorbency tampon you can. Change tampons frequently, at least every four to eight hours. Alternate using tampons and sanitary napkins, and use minipads when your flow is light.

Toxic shock syndrome can recur. People who've had it once can get it again. If you've had toxic shock syndrome or a prior serious staph or strep infection, don't use tampons.


Belladonna is one of the first remedies that comes to one's mind when inflammation is encountered – inflammation with its redness, swelling, pain, throbbing and burning-when suppuration, maybe, is commencing. The affection comes on suddenly and with great violence. There are painful, hot, shining, erysipelatous swellings, intensely inflamed about their bases. Fever in belladonna is Heat, intense heat, violent heat. There is another phase of Bell. that runs all through these inflammatory complaints and its fevers. The inflamed parts, and very commonly the skin, are very red, and, as the inflammation advances, grow dusky; as the fever advances the face becomes mottled; but the first representation of Bell. is bright red, and the skin is shiny. The mind of belladonna In the early part of the fever the delirium is very violent and excitable; but as it passes on he goes into a sleep, a sort of half-slumber a semi-comatose state. Apparently in a dream, and he screams out. Dreams horrible things. Sees in his dreams the things that he talks about. When he has real sleep, or resting, as near as it is for him to rest, he has violent dreams; night-mare.

Hepar sulphuris is likely the most often thought of remedy in connection with suppuration. It homeopathic medicine for septicemia comes not use after pus formation is inevitable, and especially, when heat furnishes the only comfort. It suits best the lymphatic or phlegmatic type, the dull, sluggish, apathetic patient. The parts affected are exceedingly sensitive, which is the leading indication. Hepar sulphuris will limit the extent of suppuration, greatly reduce the pain or sensitiveness, or will help open the part with little or no pain. Fever of hepar sulph. Shiverings, with chattering of the teeth and coldness in the hands and feet, followed by heat and sweat, esp. on chest and forehead, with little thirst.─Chill in the evening, 6 or 7 p.m.─Chilliness and heat alternating during the day, with photophobia.─Chilliness at night; in bed aggravating all the symptoms.─Bitterness in the mouth, afterwards shivering with thirst; an hour after, heat with sleep, after which, vomiting and cephalalgia.─Dry heat at night.─Flushes of heat with sweat.─Burning, feverish heat, with redness of the face and violent thirst.─Strong disposition to perspire in the daytime, on the least effort, and on the least movement.

 Calcarea sulphurica. Similar to Hepar, is though of in suppurative processes after pus has forced a vent, but continues indefinitely as in fistulous abscesses about the anus, gum, boils, etc., Hepar and Calcarea sulphurica, given in low potencies, favour suppuration; given in high potencies, might abort. You may expect to the use of this remedy for suppuration in any part of the body-about the eyes, ears, throat, nose, glands. In quinsy, retropharyngeal abscess, any suppurative condition of the throat, it is often indicated.  

Silicea is the remedy generally required in scrofulous and tuberculous patients. As it is a slow-acting remedy, it is suited to complaints that develop slowly. It is full of suppurative abscesses, and it will ripen them, if the symptoms agree. Every little injury suppurates. It has felons, boils, old, long-lasting fistulous ulcers. Especially is it famous for its old, sluggish, indolent, fistulous burrowings. The skin is delicate, pale, waxy. It has abscesses with much cellular infiltration where suppuration continues and the wound refuses to heal. Its pus is generally thin, watery, offensive. Tuberculous swollen and suppurating glands are within its field of action. Fever of silicea Excessively chilly disposition, and shuddering, with frequent shiverings, also on the least movement. Heat predominates. Frequently during day short flushes of heat, principally in face. Violent general heat, with violent thirst in afternoon, evening, and all night. Periodically returning heat during day, without any previous chill, and followed by slight perspiration

Mercurius solubilis is another important remedy to help form and evacuate pus, but unlike the rapid, violent, esthenic action as is that of Belladonna and Hepar sulphur, it corresponds Mercurius Solubilis homeopathic medicine for septicemia more closely to the condition when the life force is so low that there is no tendency to repair. It has slow and long-continued pus formation, no irritability in the part, no tendency to granulate. Such an abscess opens, keeps on discharging, seems dead. There is suppuration without heat, profuse perspiration which does not ameliorate, great nocturnal aggravation, sensitiveness to cold air, yet aggravated by heat, hot poultices, etc. Marked loss of flesh, trembling and weakness, are other characteristics.

Crotalus horridus, another snake poison, may be of use in certain suppurating conditions, but when it is called for the picture is indeed a horrible one. With a typical Crotalus patient, you will feel that death is very near. And with these patients, death generally does come so quickly – the entire system is so terrifically affected – that no part has had time to suppurate or resist. Fever of crotalus Flushes of heat all over. Sweat: cold; coloured, esp. axillary; bloody. Malignant scarlatina, with infiltration of tissues, esp. of throat. Low, bilious remittents of South. Yellow fever, hæmorrhagic, oozing of blood from every pore, vomiting and purging bloody and bilious; fainting

Arsenicum album, a mineral poison, is regarded by many as the chief remedy for carbuncle. It is almost synonymous with gangrene, yet has suppuration. It will be of use many times, in the treatment of malignant, septic, suppurating disturbances, and you will know it when it is needed, by its pronounced characteristics-great weakness and prostration, burning everywhere-as if live coals were on the affected part, pains worse at rest and increased by cold, restlessness and anguish (here restlessness is not to relieve pain, as with Rhus, but from anxiety), midnight aggravation, unquenchable thirst for small quantities of water very often, and great irritability of mind and body. Fever of Arsenic Shiverings and shuddering, chiefly in the evening in bed, or on walking in the open air, or after having drunk or eaten, and often with the addition of other sufferings, such as sharp pains in the limbs, headache, oppression of the chest, and difficulty of respiration, drawing in the limbs, anxiety and restlessness.─Universal heat, principally at night, and often with anxiety, restlessness, delirium, heaviness and perplexity in the head, dizziness, vertigo, oppression and pricking in the chest, redness of the skin, &c.─Febrile attacks, mostly in the morning or evening, often with shivering and heat slightly developed, burning thirst or perfect adypsia, quartan or tertian, or sometimes quotidian; sufferings before the attack, and sweats after, on going to sleep.