


An esophageal diverticulum is an outpouching of mucosa through the muscular layer of the esophagus. It can be asymptomatic or cause dysphagia and regurgitation.

A Zenker’s diverticulum (ZD) is a rare condition where an “outpouching” occurs where your throat meets your esophagus, the swallowing pipe that leads into your stomach.


  • Difficulty swallowing
  • Regurgitating or vomiting undigested food hours after eatingUploaded Image
  • Inhaling food or saliva down your windpipe (called aspiration)
  • Belching
  • Noisy swallowing
  • Bad breath
  • Choking
  • Coughing
  • Hoarseness
  • Feeling like something is stuck in the back of your throat
  • Weight loss
  • Recurrent lung infections in severe cases.

ZD is most commonly caused by increased tension in the muscle at the top of your esophagus (called the cricopharyngeus muscle), which obstructs the proper passage of food and liquids into your stomach


Diverticula are diagnosed by videotaped barium swallow and often confirmed on upper endoscopy.


ALUMINA: Dry and sore throat. Food cannot pass, esophagus contracted. Feels as if splinter or plug were in throat. Swallowing painful, worse solids. Better from empty swallowing, warm drinks. Constant inclination to clear the throat.

ANACARDIUM ORIENTALE: Swallows food and drinks hastily. Food descends the wrong way.

BAPTISIA TINCTORA: Cn swallow liquids only, least solid food gags. Ragged ulcers in throat. Constriction at cardiac orifice of esophagus. Constrictive feeling in throat causing frequent efforts at swallowing.

BARYTA CARBONICA: Can swallow liquids only. Pain in throat, worse empty swallowing. Spasm of esophagus when food enters esophagus, causes gagging and choking.

BELLADONNA : Swallowing difficult, worse liquids. Throat feels constricted. Muscles of swallowing very sensitive. Drinks in sips. Must take a drink to swallow solid food. When swallowing bends head forward and lifts up knees. Esophagus is dry, feels contracted, spasms in throat. .

CACTUS GRANDIFLORUS: Constriction of esophagus, must drink to swallow. Needs much liquid to get food down. Feeling of warmth about throat.

DIPHTHERINUM. Swallows without pain, but fluids are either vomited or are returned through the nose.

HYOSCYAMUS NIGER: Constriction of throat. Inability to swallow liquids, solid and warm food better. Fluids come out of the nose or go into larynx. Stinging and dryness in throat.

KALI CARBONICUM: Stricture of esophagus. Swallowing difficult. Food slowly descends, remains half way in esophagus with gagging and vomiting. Small particles of food go easily in windpipe. Stitching pain in throat as from fish bone.

LACHESIS: Difficulty in swallowing liquids even saliva. Choking in throat when swallowing. Cannot swallow sweet or acrid things. Feeling as if something was swollen which must be swallowed, worse swallowing liquids or saliva. Constriction in throat, better eating. Pain and swelling in throat.