
Homoeopathic Treatment for Chilblains in Jamshedpur

Chilblains  are the painful inflammation of small blood vessels in skin that occur in response to repeated exposure to cold but not freezing air. Also known as pernio, chilblains can cause itching, red patches, swelling and blistering on  hands and feet.

Chilblains usually clear up within one to three weeks, especially if the weather gets warmer.

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Signs and symptoms of chilblains may include:

  • Small, itchy red areas on your skin, often on your feet or hands
  • Possible blistering or skin ulcers
  • Swelling of your skin
  • Burning sensation on your skin
  • Changes in skin color from red to dark blue, accompanied by pain


Actual cause of chilblains is unknown. They may be an abnormal reaction of the body to cold exposure followed by rewarming. Rewarming of cold skin can cause small blood vessels under the skin to expand more quickly than nearby larger blood vessels can handle. This results in a bottleneck effect and the blood leaking into nearby tissues.


Factors that may increase risk of chilblains include:

  • Clothing that is tight or exposes skin to the cold. Wearing tight-fitting clothing and shoes in cold, damp weather may make you more susceptible to chilblains. And skin that's exposed to cold, damp conditions is more likely to develop chilblains.
  •  sex. Women are more likely to get chilblains than are men.
  • Being underweight. People who weigh about 20 percent less than is expected for their height have an increased risk of chilblains.
  • Environment and season. Chilblains are less likely in colder and drier areas because the living conditions and clothing used in these areas are more protective against cold. Your risk of chilblains is higher if you live in an area with high humidity and cold, but not freezing, temperatures. They are more common from November to April.
  • Having poor circulation. People with poor circulation tend to be more sensitive to changes in temperature, making them more susceptible to chilblains.
  • Having Raynaud's disease. People with Raynaud's disease are more susceptible to chilblains. Either condition can result in sores, but Raynaud's causes different types of color changes on the skin.
  • Having an autoimmune disorder. Lupus — an autoimmune connective tissue disease — is the most common autoimmune disorder associated with chilblains.


Chilblains may cause complications if skin blisters develop ulcers and infections. Besides being painful, infections are potentially life-threatening if left untreated. See a doctor if you suspect infection.


To prevent chilblains:

  • Avoid or limit  exposure to cold.
  • Dress in layers of loose clothing and wear mittens and warm, water-resistant footwear.
  • Cover all exposed skin as completely as possible when going outside in cold weather.
  • Keep your hands, feet and face dry and warm.
  • Keep your home and workplace comfortably warm.
  • Don't smoke.


Agaricus: Best Homeopathic Remedy for Chilblains

Agaricus for chilblains is the top grade homeopathic remedy for chilblains. It is used to treat common symptoms of chilblains, like a burning sensation and intense itching on both the hands. The affected person may feel as if their hands were frozen. The hands appear blue and cold, and painful swellings of the hands and toes may be present. A sharp, prickling pain may also be present.

Petroleum: For Painful Chilblains

Petroleum is a homeopathic remedy used to treat chilblains where there is a lot of pain. The parts affected by chilblains itch terribly and feel like they burn (like fire). Inflammation usually appears with the cold weather.

Lachesis: For Chilblains with Pus

Laches is a homeopathic remedy for chilblains that can help in treating the cases of old chilblains that become inflamed and suppurating. This medicine is used in cases where the circulation in the capillary is affected. It helps to renew the circulation without sloughing off the skin. Dark blue swelling of the cellular tissue on the hands gives a mottled appearance, and a purple discoloration may be seen on the feet. This is an excellent homeopathic medicine for blood circulation.

Rhustox: For Chilblains with Formication

Rhustox is a homeopathic remedy for chilblains that helps treat inflammation of the fingertips with formication (sensation of insects crawling over the skin). There is visibly red, smooth and shining swelling of the hands and feet. Rubbing the affected parts increases the eruptions. This medicine is used to treat vesicular eruptions.

Pulsatilla: Effective Natural Remedy for Chilblains

Pulsatilla is a homeopathic remedy for chilblains which are hot, have bluish-red swelling, and itching. Purple discoloration of the feet along with an inflammation of the toes is also there,e.t.c