


It is the Inflammation of the uveal tract can be subdivided according to the uveal tissue primarily involved by location (anterior, intermediate, or posterior uveitis).

The most commonly diagnosed form of uveitis in childhood is traumatic iridocyclitis or iritis.


 Anterior uveitis presents with redness, photophobia, and blurred vision.

Approximately 10%-20% of children with uvenile arthritis A are at risk for uveitis.

Those with positive antinuclear antibodies are young at arthritis diagnosis (6 years old or younger), they are considered at highest risk and are recommended to be screened by an ophthalmologist every 3 months.

Uveitis is also a common extra-articular manifestation of ankylosing spondylitis It is less common in association with inflammatory bowel disease or psoriatic arthritis

Other causes of anterior uveitis in children include trauma and infection.


  • Injected vessels
  • Photophobia
  • Pain
  • blurred vision
  • Eye redness


  • autoimmune disorder - sarcoidosis, systemic lupus erythematosus or Crohn's disease.
  • Ankylosing spondylitis, a type of inflammatory disease that can cause some of the bones in the spine to fuse, leading to back pain. Uveitis is one of the most common complications of ankylosing spondylitis.
  • An infection, such as cat-scratch disease, herpes zoster, syphilis, toxoplasmosis or tuberculosis.
  • Medication side effect.
  • Eye injury or surgery.
  • Very rarely, a cancer that affects the eye, such as lymphoma.


  • Color photographyof the inside of the eye (retina).
  • Optical coherence tomography (OCT) imaging.
  • Fluorescein angiography or indocyanine green angiography.
  • Analysis of aqueous or vitreous fluidfrom the eye.
  • Blood tests.
  • Imaging tests-radiography, CT or MRI scans.


  • macular edema
  • Retinal scarring.
  • Glaucoma.
  • Cataracts.
  • Optic nerve damage.
  • Retinal detachment.
  • Permanent vision loss.


MERC COR:  Useful for both types of anterior uveitis (iritis) and posterior uveitis (retinitis). There is shooting, burning and tearing pain in the eye.

HEPAR SULPH:  Very useful medicines for uveitis with severe pain and redness of the eyes. Given in Anterior uveitis (iritis) when there is pus in the anterior chamber. There is severe pain in the eyes as if they are being pulled back to the head.

PHOSPHORUS:  Very useful medicine for uveitis, especially for posterior uveitis (choroiditis and retinitis). Mostly recommended when there is pain and frequent itching in the eyes

MERC SOL:  Very useful for uveitis with inflammation of the iris (iritis) and retina (retinitis). There is cutting, stinging or aching pain especially on exerting the eyes. Given when eyes are extremely sensitive to light.

ARNICA: Bruised, sore feeling in eyes after close work. Must keep eyes open. Dizzy on closing them. Feel tired and weary after sight-seeing,

BRYONIA: Pressing, crushing, aching pain. Glaucoma. Sore to touch and when moving them.