

Brittle bone disease also known as osteogenesis imperfecta present at birth and usually develops in children who have a family history of the disease. It is a disorder where the bone becomes fragile that breaks easily.Uploaded Image

CAUSES OF BRITTLE BONE DISEASE : Brittle bone disease is caused by a defect in the gene that produces type 1 collagen, a protein used to create bone. The defective gene is usually inherited.

SYMPTOMS FOR BRITTLE BONE DISEASE : Everyone with brittle bone bone disease has fragile bones but the severity varies from person to person. Brittle bone disease has one or more of the following symptoms:

  • Bone deformities
  • Multiple broken bones
  • Loose joints
  • Weak teeth
  • Blue sclera or a bluish colour in the white of the eyes
  • Bowed legs and arms
  • Kyphosis, an abnormal outward curve of the spine
  • Scoliosis, an abnormal lateral curve of the spine.
  • Early hearing loss
  • Respiratory problems
  • Heart defects


There is no cure for brittle bones disease. However, the disease can be managed well with homoeopathic medicine and supportive therapies that help to reduce your child’s risk of broken bones and increase their quality of life. Treatment for brittle bones include:

  • Physical and occupational therapy to increase your child’s mobility and muscle strength.
  • Low impact exercise to build bone
  • Mental health counselling to help treat issues with body image.


Silicea (also called Silica): People who need this remedy are often nervous, easily tired, very chilly, and tend to sweat at night. They have a refined or delicate appearance, and often have weakness in the spine. Their injuries are slow to heal, and they tend to have a low resistance to infection. Moderate exercise often warms the person up and improves energy.

Symphytum: When osteoporosis is a problem, fractures often occur from mild trauma. This remedy can be useful for strengthening and healing bones when new fractures occur, and also helpful when pain persists in old, healed fractures.

Calcarea carbonica: This remedy is often helpful to individuals who are easily tired by exertion and tend to feel anxious and overwhelmed from work or stress. The person may be chilly, flabby or overweight, and feel worse from cold and dampness. Back pain, swollen joints, and a sweaty head at night are often seen. People who need this remedy often have strong cravings for both eggs and sweets.

Calcarea phosphorica: Stiffness, soreness, and weakness of the bones and joints often are experienced by those who need this remedy. Aching in the bones of the neck, upper back, and hips can be distressing. Deep tiredness frequently is felt, especially after exercise. Calcium deposits and bone-spurs may develop, even while general bone-loss is taking place, and fractures may be slow to heal. A feeling of dissatisfaction and a strong desire for travel or a change of circumstances are often seen in people who need Calcarea phosphorica.

Phosphorus: This remedy is often helpful to people who are sensitive, suggestible, imaginative, but easily tired or weakened physically. Bones may be less strong than normal, or be slow to heal after fractures. Weakness is often felt in the spine, with burning pain between the shoulder blades. People who need this remedy are often tall and thin with an easily-flushing face. A desire for refreshing foods (especially ice cream) and strong thirst for cold or carbonated drinks are other indications for Phosphorus.