
Homeopathy Treatment for Corneal Ulcer in Nepal

Patient complains of localized redness with photophobia, blapharospasm, profuse watering if the eye and cloudiness of the cornea. It is a case of CORNEAL ULCER.

Primarily, the ulcers appear due to local trauma, such as an abrasion, burn, foreign body or in growing eyelash.

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Attend to the general health of the patient and try to remove the cause as far as possible. Bathe the eye with an aqueous solution of calendula officinalis mother tincture at least two hourly.

Argentum nitricum is indicated in ulcers of the cornea with abundant, purulent discharge. Inner canthi swollen and red. Painful, purulent ophthalmia. Photophobia.

Calcarea carbonica suits spots and ulcers on the cornea. The typical calcarea carbonica constitution is present. Lachrymation early in the morning and in open air. Dimness of vision, as if looking through mist.

Pulsatilla nigricans is for superficial ulcers of the cornea. Spots on the cornea. There is a thick, yellow, profuse and bland discharge from the eyes. Eyes burn and itch; must rub them. Weeping eyes; profuse, acrid lachrymation and secretion of mucous.

Hepar sulphuris suits corneal ulcers with red and inflamed eyes and lids. Severe, boring pain in eyes, as if they are pulled back into the orbits. Eyeballs very sore to touch. Photophobia.

Mercurius corrosivus has deep ulcers on the cornea, with excessive photophobia and acrid lachrymation. Iris appears muddy in colour and neither dilates nor contracts. Shooting, burning, tearing pain in eyes, especially at night. Burning, soreness of eyes.

Silicea terra is indicated in perforating or sloughing ulcer of the cornea. Abscess. After trauma. Eyes inflamed with sharp pains. Eyes are tender to touch, worse when closed. Canthi are specially affected.

Euphrasia officinalis has watering of the eyes all the time. Acrid lachrymation, bland coryza; profuse, hot tears. Frequent inclination to blink eyes. Opacities develop after injury. Rheumatic pains and ptosis. Little blisters on eyes. Sticky mucous on cornea. Photophobia. Sharp pain in eyeballs.

Apis mellifica has puffy eyelids, indicating an allergic trait. Eyelids are swollen red and oredematous. Keratitis with intense chemosis of ocular conjunctiva. Cornea is opaque. Perforating corneal ulcer, with suppurative inflammation of the eyes. Sudden piercing pains, and pains around the orbit. Burning, stinging, shooting pains.