
Homeopathy Treatment for Typhoid Fever in Nepal

Patient comes with severe frontal headache, simple malaise and lassitude, mild bronchial cough, abdominal discomfort, anorexia, with pain and discomfort in the right iliac fossa, irregular bowels and constipation . If the patient comes a week later there is high continued fever. The condition is that of Typhoid Fever

Typhoid fever is a progressively developing disorder. Therefore, the indications of remedies will be different for different stages of the fever.

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Signs and symptoms are likely to develop gradually — often appearing one to three weeks after exposure to the disease.

Early illness

Signs and symptoms include:

  • Fever that starts low and increases daily, possibly reaching as high as 104.9 F (40.5 C)
  • Headache
  • Weakness and fatigue
  • Muscle aches
  • Sweating
  • Dry cough
  • Loss of appetite and weight loss
  • Stomach pain
  • Diarrhea or constipation
  • Rash
  • Extremely swollen stomach

Later illnessUploaded Image

Without treatment, you may:

  • Become delirious
  • Lie motionless and exhausted with your eyes half-closed in what's known as the typhoid state

Life-threatening complications often develop at this time.

In some people, signs and symptoms may return up to two weeks after the fever has subsided.


Typhoid fever is caused by dangerous bacteria called Salmonella typhi. Salmonella typhi is related to the bacteria that cause salmonellosis, another serious intestinal infection, but they aren't the same.

Fecal-oral transmission route

Most people in developed countries pick up typhoid bacteria while they're traveling. Once they have been infected, they can spread it to others through the fecal-oral route.

This means that Salmonella typhi is passed in the feces and sometimes in the urine of infected people. If you eat food that has been handled by someone who has typhoid fever and who hasn't washed carefully after using the toilet, you can become infected.

In developing countries, where typhoid fever is established, most people become infected by drinking contaminated water. The bacteria may also spread through contaminated food and through direct contact with someone who is infected.

Typhoid carriers

Even after antibiotic treatment, a small number of people who recover from typhoid fever continue to harbor the bacteria. These people, known as chronic carriers, no longer have signs or symptoms of the disease themselves. However, they still shed the bacteria in their feces and are capable of infecting others.


Intestinal bleeding or holes

Intestinal bleeding or holes in the intestine are the most serious complications of typhoid fever. They usually develop in the third week of illness. In this condition, the small intestine or large bowel develops a hole. Contents from the intestine leak into the stomach and can cause severe stomach pain, nausea, vomiting and bloodstream infection (sepsis). This life-threatening complication requires immediate medical care.

Other, less common complications

Other possible complications include:

  • Inflammation of the heart muscle (myocarditis)
  • Inflammation of the lining of the heart and valves (endocarditis)
  • Infection of major blood vessels (mycotic aneurysm)
  • Pneumonia
  • Inflammation of the pancreas (pancreatitis)
  • Kidney or bladder infections
  • Infection and inflammation of the membranes and fluid surrounding your brain and spinal cord (meningitis)
  • Psychiatric problems, such as delirium, hallucinations and paranoid psychosis

With quick treatment, nearly all people in industrialized nations recover from typhoid fever. Without treatment, some people may not survive complications of the disease.


Gelsemium sempervirens is indicated at the onset when the patient seems to have taken cold and the picture starts developing very suddenly. It has the typical chill, running down the back, but thirst is absent. The pulse is slow, full and soft, and compressible. Fever is associated with stupor, dizziness and faintness. The patient is prostrated.

Nux vomica is chilly and needs to cover in every stage, but the body is burning hot. Aching in the limbs  and back with gastric symptoms. Chill with thirst and heat without thirst.

Bryonia alba has dry burning heat aggravating all other symptoms. Chill with external coldness; chill with a hot head and red face; pulse is full, hard, tense and quick. Easy, profuse perspiration. Often there are gastro- hepatic complications.

Baptisia tinctoria has generalized malaise as from severe illness. Sore and bruished feeling. Chill all day along, running up and downdurning the heat stage. During apyrexia there is a sick, sore feeling all over the body. This fever is like that of arnica Montana , arsenicum  album and gelemium sempervirens. In the third week, gastric complains arise.

Phosphorus is indicated as the patient enters the third week of temperature like baptisia tinctoria, it also has gastric complications, rice water stools and sago- like particles. There is chill every evening without thirst, the patient develops a ravenous hunger and prefers ice cold things. There are often respiratory and gastric complications.

Phosphoricum acidum is indicated during the third week . cerebral symptoms appear. Regardless of surroundings , there is complete apathy. The sweat is profuse and exhausting. Marked thirst during the sweat stage.

Muriaticum acidum has great debility, with moaning unconsciousness and cold extremities. The patient slides down in bed automatically; there is great prostration.

Pyrogenium is suited in conditions of septicaemia . severe bone pains in the limb, with chill in the back as soon as the back touches the cold bed sheet. The pulse is out of proportion to the temperature, it is abnormally rapid. The tongue is red, clean, as if varnished.
