
Homoeopathic treatment for Cervical polyps in Nepal

Cervical polyps are small, elongated tumors that grow on the cervix. The cervix is the narrow canal at the bottom of the uterus that extends into the vagina. The cervix connects the uterine cavity and the upper portion of the vagina. It acts as the passageway for sperm to fertilize an egg, which could result in pregnancy. During labor, the cervix becomes thinner and wider. This allows the baby to pass through the birth canal.Uploaded Image

Polyps are fragile structures that grow from stalks rooted on the surface of the cervix or inside of the cervical canal. If someone has polyps, usually only one polyp is present, and two or three at most.

Cervical polyps are usually benign, or not cancerous, and cervical cancer rarely arises from them. Most cervical cancers are due to the human papilloma virus (HPV), which is also the cause of genital warts.


Polyps on the cervix may not cause any noticeable symptoms. However, experience of vaginal discharge of white or yellow mucus, or abnormally heavy periods.

If there is a experience vaginal spotting or bleeding:

  • After sexual intercourse
  • Between periods
  • After douching
  • After menopause

Some of these symptoms can also be signs of cancer. In rare cases, polyps represent an early phase of cervical cancer. Removing them helps reduce this risk.


It is not fully understood why cervical polyps occur. Their formation may be linked to:

  • Increased levels of estrogen, which is the female sex hormone
  • Chronic inflammation of the cervix, vagina, or uterus
  • Clogged blood vessels

High estrogen levels

Estrogen levels naturally fluctuate throughout a woman’s life.Estrogen levels will be highest during childbearing years, during any pregnancies, and in the months leading up to menopause.

Man-made chemicals that mimic estrogen are present in the environment. For example, xenoestrogens are in commercially produced meats and dairy products. Chemical estrogens can also be released into food that is heated in plastic or plastic foam containers. Even some air fresheners contain phthalates, which are other estrogen-like chemicals.


An inflamed cervix appears red, irritated, or eroded. Some of the known causes of cervical inflammation include:

  • Bacterial infection
  • HPV infection, which can also cause warts
  • Herpes
  • Yeast infections
  • Pregnancy
  • Miscarriage
  • Abortion
  • Hormonal changes


PHOSPHORUS -Very very useful medicine for cervical polyp. There is extra overgrowth on cervix which bleeds easily by touch.There is too early, too long lasting, bright red, copious or scanty mense but continues for long period. There is violent pain in the ovaries extending down to the inner side of the thighs during menses due to inflammation of the ovaries.Useful for pain in the back as if broken, icy cold hands and feet, blue rings around the eyes with much fearfulness and nausea during menstrual period.

CALCAREA CARB- Important remedy for cervical polyp.Suited to fleshy girls with fair complexion.Helpful for cervical polyp in young children and in young girls which is bright red in color and thin walled.There is tendency to reappear or relapse and overgrowth.Recommended for patient who is chilly and takes cold easily with craving for eggs

SEPIA -Useful for inflammation with cellular proliferation of cervical tissue takes place which leads to cervical polyp. There is ulceration of cervical mucous membrane  with pruritus vagina.Useful for tenderness of genitals to touch with pressure at genitals as if everything would protrude so the patient crosses her legs. There is yellowishness of skin  or brown spots.Useful for too early,too scanty and flowing of mense only in morning. There is menorrhagia with painful sensation of emptiness at the pit of the stomach

THUJA OCCIDENTALIS - Useful medicine for cervical polyp. There is extra growth in the urinogenital tract.Useful for supressed gonorrhea with cervical polyp. Given when any touch or the attempt  of coition provokes the perennial muscles and the vaginal walls to go in to spasm.

KALI IODIDE -Excellent remedy for cervical polyp which is covered by endocervix or endometrium. These polyps get blood supply through the endometrium .Useful for leucorrhea which may cause the infection of polyp.

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