
Homoeopathic Treatment for Eclampsia in Nepal

Eclampsia is a severe complication of preeclampsia. It is a rare but serious condition where high blood pressure results in seizures during pregnancy.

Seizures are periods of disturbed brain activity that can cause episodes of staring, decreased alertness, and convulsions (violent shaking). 


Because preeclampsia can lead to eclampsia, one may have symptoms of both conditions. However, some of their symptoms may be due to other conditions, such as kidney disease or diabetes. It is important to tell  doctor about any conditions one have so they may rule out other possible causes.

The following are common symptoms of preeclampsia:

  • Elevated blood pressure
  • Swelling in  face or hands
  • Headaches
  • Excessive weight gain
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Vision problems, including episodes with loss of vision or blurry vision
  • Difficulty urinating
  • Abdominal pain, especially in the right upper abdomen

Patients with eclampsia can have the same symptoms as those noted above, or may even present with no symptoms prior to the onset of eclampsia. The following are common symptoms of eclampsia:

  • Seizures
  • Loss of consciousness
  • Agitation


Eclampsia often follows preeclampsia, which is characterized by high blood pressure occurring in pregnancy and, rarely, postpartum. Other findings may also be present such as protein in the urine. If preeclampsia worsens and affects brain, causing seizures, one have developed eclampsia.

High blood pressure

Preeclampsia is when our blood pressure, or the force of blood against the walls of our arteries, becomes high enough to damage our arteries and other blood vessels. Damage to our arteries may restrict blood flow. It can produce swelling in the blood vessels in our brain and to our growing baby. If this abnormal blood flow through vessels interferes with our brain’s ability to function, seizures may occur.


Preeclampsia commonly affects kidney function. Protein in our urine, also known as proteinuria, is a common sign of the condition. Each time one have a doctor’s appointment, our urine may be tested for protein.

Typically, our kidneys filter waste from blood and create urine from these wastes. However, the kidneys try to retain nutrients in the blood, such as protein, for redistribution to body. If the kidneys’ filters, called glomeruli, are damaged, protein can leak through them and excrete into urine.


If one have or have had preeclampsia, one may be at risk for eclampsia.

Other risk factors for developing eclampsia during pregnancy include:

  • Gestational or chronic hypertension (high blood pressure)
  • Being older than 35 years or younger than 20 years
  • Pregnancy with twins or triplets
  • First-time pregnancy
  • Diabetes or another condition that affects our blood vessels
  • kidney disease

Eclampsia and baby

Preeclampsia and eclampsia affect the placenta, which is the organ that delivers oxygen and nutrients from the mother’s blood to the fetus. When high blood pressure reduces blood flow through the vessels, the placenta may be unable to function properly. This may result in baby being born with a low birth weight or other health problems.

Problems with the placenta often require preterm delivery for the health and safety of the baby. In rare cases, these conditions cause stillbirth.


  • Blood tests
  • Creatinine test
  • Urine tests



Useful for abnormal hunger with faint feeling, swimming tipsy sensation.There is craving of pickles.Given when she feels as if the womb were soft and feeble.


Useful for sour belching and vomiting during pregnancy, with profuse water brash and salivation, day and night.There is sensation as if an ulcer were in the stomach, giving great uneasiness.There is intense thirst, passing a large quantity of urine and grea prostration.


Useful for vomiting during pregnancy.There is obstinate indigestion, with much debility.There is excessive nausea and disgust for food, least food causes distress in stomach.Useful for frequent attacks of fainting with vertigo.There is constant sleepiness with emaciation.


Useful for morning nausea, with empty feeling in stomach.There is vomiting of ingesta which gives relief.Useful for nausea (<) before and after eating, (>) while eating or after vomiting food.There is weak digestion, with fulness and distension of abdomen.

Antimonium-crud : Persistent vomiting with convulsions; milky-white tongue (Kali mur) and eructations tasting of ingesta; derangements from overloading stomach; desire for acids.

Argentum-nit  : Sensation as if stomach would burst with wind, head feels expanded, both (>) by belching; nausea after each meal, most after dinner; vomiting of sour; bitter, yellow, green tough fluid.

Arsenicum  : Vomiting after eating and drinking, and at night, of green or black matter; cold water seems to lie on stomach, although great desire for it; burning pains in praecordium and anguish; burning pains in stomach. bowels and breasts; great weakness and exhausting diarrhoea; (>) by motion; food is relished but leaves a bitter taste in mouth; aversion to meats and desire for fruits and vegetables; coldness and restlessness.

Asarum-europ  : During first months of pregnancy the stomach rejects everything; constant nausea with loathing of food and a perfectly clean tongue; constant chilly feeling even in a warm room; nervous hyperaesthesia, even scratching of linen of silk in insupportable; constant desire to urinate.

Bismuth : Vomiting with great prostration, warm surface; flatulency; white tongue, restless, moving about with anxiety.


Useful for morning sickness, VOMITS ONLY WATER (>) after breakfast.There is sensation as if she had a lump of ice in stomach.There is voluptuous sensation in genitals.


Useful for vomiting of pregnant women, with frantic headache and irritability.There is nausea early in morning with dull aching, uneasy feeling in stomach.