
Homeopathy Treatment for Leucorrhoea in Nepal

Leucorrhoea is a flow of a whitish,yellowish or greenish discharge from the vagina of the female that may be normal or that may be a sign of infection. Such discharges may originate from the vagina, ovaries, fallopian tubes, or most commonly in the cervix.

A small amount of secretion is healthy. This secretion tends to increase before ovulation and menstruation in normal women. It is a non-infective type of discharge and is an increase in the normal secretion of the genital tract.Uploaded Image

It is commonly seen at puberty, ovulation and before the onset of menstruation. It increases with sexual excitement and during pregnancy. It may accompany local congestion due to over exertion, constipation, gastroenteritis and other cause of pelvic congestion. Debility, anaemia and malnutrition are also common causes of leucorrhoea. However, cervical erosion is the most common cause of this discharge, mostly in young women.


There are various causes for this condition, but the most common ones are as follows:

  • Sexual intercourse that is unprotected.

  • Nutritional deficiency.

  • Poor maintenance of hygiene in intimate areas.

  • Any injury to the cervix or any other part of the female reproductive system during pregnancy.

  • Infection of the urinary tract.

  • Fungal or bacterial infections.

  • Vaginal irritation due to the insertion of contraceptive devices.

  • Anemia.

  • Diabetes.

  • A contraceptive device used by the partner that causes irritation.


The following symptoms suggest that one might be suffering from leucorrhea:

  • Foul-smelling vaginal discharge.

  • Pain in the stomach or cramps.

  • Constipation.

  • Headaches.

  • Itching sensation.

  • Pain in the lumbar region and calves.


There are various types of this condition, and they are listed as below based on the cause:

1. PHYSIOLOGICAL CAUSE : It is a natural secretion from the vagina.This happens mostly due to a change in hormonal levels. Commonly seen scenarios include sexual excitement stage,during early-stage pregnancy, one of the signs of puberty in young girls. Also it is noticed in newborns for a week post-birth due to maternal estrogen.

2. PATHOLOGICAL CAUSE : It is due to disease conditions. The discharge has a different color and smell. It turns yellow with a foul smell. It can be due to underlying infection and needs medical attention. Some of the pathological conditions are as follows:

3. CERVICITIS : Pain in the lower back is a very common symptom of this condition. It will be accompanied by inflammation of the cervix caused due to sexually transmitted diseases or allergy to intrauterine devices used for contraception or any other contraceptive method.

3. YEAST INFECTION IN THE VAGINA : It is also called candidiasis and is commonly found in diabetic women or people who are taking antibiotics and contraceptive pills. The associated factor is related to change in the vaginal pH. Also, poor hygiene can lead to this.

4. TRICHOMONAS VAGINITIS :  It is well known by the name of trichomoniasis. It is seen with yellow discharge that is frothy along with itching sensation. The causes can be attributed to sexually transmitted disease and poor hygiene. It takes a time period of 3-28 days after the infection for the symptoms to show.


  • Take a frequent bath and use underpants with breath-able cotton liners. Keeping dry and clean down there prevents vaginal infections from bacteria.

  • Wear panty liners or pads. It absorbs excess discharge and helps to feel more comfortable. It is recommended to skip the tampons as it can allow germs into vagina.

  • Leave the douches at the drugstore. During pregnancy, douching is not safe, and it should be avoided. It can also collapse the natural balance of microorganisms in the vagina and drive to bacterial vaginosis.

  • Do not bother with wipes. The vagina has a self-cleaning ability. It could change the pH in the genital tract and increase the risk of infection if you have that "clean feeling," choose wipes that are pH-safe and free of chemicals and alcohol.

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It is necessary to remove the local cause. Pay attention to the health in general. Advise fresh air, exercise and general tonic treatment.

Since the discharge is different in terms of consistency, colour, odour, time of flow, concomitant symptoms, the remedies also differ. Nevertheless, in our day to day practice, we use some remedies which are indicated again and again.

One must understand the leucorrhoea is not a disease by itself but a symptom and may be associasted with other uterine maladies. Leucorrhoea occurring with general debility, which we find mostly in tropical countries like ours, is most commonly due to over lactation. It is necessary to improve the general condition of the patient.


HELONIAS -Useful for leucorrhoea with consciousness of the womb.There is intense pruritus of the vulva and pudenda along with a thin discharge. The patient is lethargic and slow in her work.

PULSATILLA -Useful for leucorrhoea following abortion or after bearing children too often. 

SABINA -Useful for leucorrhoea following abortions or after bearing children with congestion of the womb. There is profuse, milky, starchy and ropy leucorrhoea,with drawing pains in the broad of the back. 

SEPIA-There is yellow, greenish, milky in large lumps in little girls in place of menses. There is a constant bearing down sensation as if all the contents of the pelvis will come out.

Kreosotum -Useful for acrid, offensive fluid. There is erosion of cervix with stitches in the vagina. Menses are too early and prolonged.There is haemorrhage or violent pains, during and after sex.Also there is burning in parts after sex, followed by discharge of dark blood the next day. 
