

The slipping out of the uterus from  the womb or child-bearing organ  into the vagina is referred to as a prolapsed of uterus.The reason behind Uterine Prolapse is weakened muscles and ligaments that keep the uterus in place. The muscles get weakened because of various reasons. It Uploaded Imagecould be after vaginal delivery, after menopause, because of heavy weightlifting, obesity, chronic cough, chronic constipation or pelvic tumors. All these factors result in the uterus getting displaced from the normal position, leading to prolapse.


  • Incomplete uterine prolapse: The uterus is partially displaced into the vagina but does not protrude.
  • Complete uterine prolapse: A portion of the uterus protrudes from the vaginal opening.

The condition is graded by its severity,determined by how far the uterus has descended:

  • 1st grade: descended to the upper vagina
  • 2nd grade: descended to the introitus
  • 3rd grade: cervix has descended outside the introitus
  • 4th grade: cervix and uterus have both descended outside the introitus


Mild uterine prolapse generally doesnot cause signs or symptoms. Signs and symptoms of moderate to severe uterine prolapse include:

  • Sensation of heaviness or pulling in pelvis
  • Tissue protruding from vagina
  • Urinary problems, such as urine leakage (incontinence) or urine retention
  • Trouble having a bowel movement
  • Feeling as if sitting on a small ball or as if something is falling out of vagina
  • Sexual concerns, such as a sensation of looseness in the tone of vaginal tissue


Uterine prolapse results from the weakening of pelvic muscles and supportive tissues. Causes of weakened pelvic muscles and tissues include:

  • Pregnancy
  • Difficult labor and delivery or trauma during childbirth
  • Delivery of a large baby
  • Being overweight or obese
  • Lower estrogen level after menopause
  • Chronic constipation or straining with bowel movements
  • Chronic cough or bronchitis
  • Repeated heavy lifting


Factors that can increase our risk of uterine prolapse include:

  • One or more pregnancies and vaginal births
  • Giving birth to a large baby
  • Increasing age
  • Obesity
  • Prior pelvic surgery
  • Chronic constipation or frequent straining during bowel movements
  • Family history of weakness in connective tissue
  • Being Hispanic or white


Uterine prolapse is often associated with prolapse of other pelvic organs.One might experience:

  • Anterior prolapse (cystocele)- Weakness of connective tissue separating the bladder and vagina may cause the bladder to bulge into the vagina. Anterior prolapse is also called prolapsed bladder.
  • Posterior vaginal prolapse (rectocele). Weakness of connective tissue separating the rectum and vagina may cause the rectum to bulge into the vagina.One might have difficulty having bowel movements.

Severe uterine prolapse can displace part of the vaginal lining, causing it to protrude outside the body. Vaginal tissue that rubs against clothing can lead to vaginal sores (ulcers.) Rarely, the sores can become infected.


To reduce risk of uterine prolapse, try to:

  • Do Kegel exercises regularly.
  • Treat and prevent constipation.
  • Avoid heavy lifting and lift correctly.
  • Control coughing. 
  • Avoid weight gain. T


Uterine Prolapse can be completely treated with the help of Homeopathy medicines.These medicine help in providing strength to the loose and weak muscular and ligament structure of the pelvis. As the muscles and ligaments regain strength, they tighten, pull back and hold the uterus at its proper place.


Highly effective medicine for Uterine Prolapse with constant bearing down sensation in the pelvic region.There is sensation as if the uterus is dragging in downward direction and is about to come out. Given when crossing the lower limbs may prove slightly helpful to decrease the bearing down sensation.There is vaginal discharge with itching .Best medicine for women at a menopausal age where the womb is in a relaxed condition with weak muscle support accompanied by hot flushes with excessive sweating.


Effective medicine for prolapse of uterus who have constant urge to pass urine or stool with distended feeling in the pelvis.There is feeling of dragging sensation in the pelvis which is relief by supporting the vulva or taking rest.Useful where the muscle supporting the uterus lacks the required tonicity, resulting in a displaced (retroverted or uterus tilted backward) or a prolapsed uterus.


Useful for prolapse of uterus where the uterus is bulky, enlarged and is pushed out of the pelvis. Very useful for bearing down feeling in the pelvis and need to tightly cross legs to prevent the bearing down sensation.Useful in decreasing the pain during periods due to a displaced uterus. Most suitable if the patient has an enhanced sexual desire.

FRAXINUS AMERICANA : Useful medicine for Uterine prolapse accompanied with fibroids or uterus tumors.There is bearing down pains which are always present in the pelvic region with enlarged uterus.