
Homoeopathic treatment for liver abscess in Nepal

Liver abscess is a pus-filled cyst in the liver. The liver is an organ in the digestive system that assists the digestive process and carries out many other essential functions. These functions include producing bile to help break down food into energy; creating essential substances, such as hormones; cleaning toxins from the blood, including those from medication, alcohol and drugs; and controlling fat storage and cholesterol production and release.

Anyone can get a liver abscess. The condition can be caused by infections spread directly from nearby structures, such as the bile-draining tubes, from the appendix or intestines, or carried in the bloodstream from more distant parts of the body. A liver abscess can also develop as a result of surgery or other trauma to the liver.

The most common type of liver abscess is caused by bacterial or parasitic infection. Bacterial liver abscess is often called pyogenic liver abscess. Microscopic organisms called amebas, which cause the intestinal disorder amebic dysentery, can also cause amebic liver abscess.

When detected in time, liver abscess is usually treatable and often can be cured with a course of antibiotics or a combination of antibiotics and a surgical procedure to drain the abscess. Left untreated, however, a liver abscess can burst and spread the infection, leading to sepsis, a life-threatening bacterial blood infection.

Symptoms of Liver Abscess

Symptoms of liver abscess vary among individuals but most commonly include a combination of the symptoms listed below. In itself, a liver abscess is not life threatening, but it can become dangerous if it opens and spreads the infection. This can happen suddenly, so you should consult your health care provider if you have any of the following symptoms.

Common symptoms of a liver abscess

You may experience any combination of liver abscess symptoms. At times, any of these symptoms can be severe:

  • Abdominal pain (especially in the upper right portion of the abdomen)

  • Clay-colored stools

  • Cough

  • Dark urine

  • Diarrhea

  • Fever or chills

  • Joint pain

  • Loss of appetite

  • Malaise or lethargy

  • Nausea with or without vomiting

  • Pleuritis chest pain (hurts to breathe)

  • Sweating

  • Unexplained weight loss

  • Yellowing of the skin and whites of the eyes (jaundice)

Serious symptoms that might indicate a life-threatening condition

  • Change in mental status or sudden behavior change, such as confusion, delirium, lethargy, hallucinations and delusions

  • High fever (higher than 101 degrees Fahrenheit)

  • Jerky movements

  • Malaise or lethargy

  • Rapid heart rate (tachycardia)

  • Respiratory or breathing problems, such as shortness of breath, difficulty breathing or inability to breathe, labored breathing, wheezing, or choking

  • Severe pain

  • Vomiting

 Causes of Liver Abscess

Anyone can get a liver abscess. The condition can be caused by infections in the blood, gastrointestinal system, or abdomen. It can also be caused by injury from a surgical procedure or other trauma to the liver.

Infectious causes of a liver abscess

Liver abscess may result from the following infectious causes:

  • Bacterial infection in the bile-draining tubes

  • Bacterial infections in the abdomen associated with appendicitis, diverticulitis, or perforated bowel

  • Bloodstream infections

  • Entamoeba histolytica infection (organism that also causes amebic dysentery; may be spread through water or through person-to-person contact)

Traumatic causes of a liver abscess
Liver abscess may result from surgical and diagnostic procedures in the liver, as well as accidental trauma including:

  • Endoscopy of the bile-draining tubes

  • Trauma to the liver


A number of factors increase the risk of developing liver abscess. Not all people with risk factors will get liver abscess.

Risk factors for pyogenic liver abscess include:

  • Crohn’s disease

  • Current, primary abdominal or gastrointestinal infection

  • Diabetes

  • Recent abdominal surgery

  • Recent endoscopy of the bile-draining tubes

Risk factors for amebic liver abscess include:

  • Advanced age

  • Alcoholism or heavy alcohol ingestion

  • Compromised immune system due to such conditions as HIV/AIDS or other immunodeficiencies, taking corticosteroids, organ transplant, or cancer and cancer treatment

  • Poor nutritional status

  • Travel to regions where amebic infections are common


It is not always possible to avoid liver abscess. However, in many cases, you may be able to lower  risk of liver abscess by:

  • Avoiding contaminated food or water

  • Limiting travel in regions where amebic infections are common


Hepar Sulph: Best Homeopathic remedy for Liver Abscess when pain gets worse by walking

Hepar Sulph is one of the top natural Homeopathic remedies for various pus-related or suppurative diseases. It has a great power in abolishing the pus that has collected in any organ of the body. For using Hepar Sulph to treat liver Abscess, the pain in the liver region mainly gets worse by walking. The pain can be shooting or stitching in nature. Along with pain, the abdomen is very tense and distended. Hepar Sulph is also the ideal Homeopathic remedy when the patient complains of loss of appetite and has a specific aversion to fats and a desire for acidic things in food. The stool or poop is most of the times clay-coloured or white. The stool may also contain undigested food particles. Apart from these symptoms,the patient suffers from fever with chills and severe shivering. A continuous foul-smelling sweat may follow the chill.

Lycopodium: Homeopathic medicine for Liver Abscess when pain gets worse after eating

Lycopodium is a very beneficial natural homeopathic remedy for liver Abscess when the liver pain gets significantly worse after eating. The liver region gets tense and sensitive on eating a slight amount of food. The liver pain most of the times radiates to the right shoulder. Apart from pain, excessive flatulence in the abdomen may be present which is in most cases obstructed. The use of Homeopathic medicine Lycopodium must also be considered for patients with a decreased appetite. Here the person feels fullness in the abdomen and easy satisfaction from eating a very small quantity of food. Apart from these symptoms of pain, flatus, and decreased appetite, another peculiar symptom is noted in a specific craving for eating. Although the appetite is diminished, yet the person craves for hot drinks and sweets in diet. Fever with chills if present is most marked in evening time around 4pmto 8 pm.

Nux Vomica: Homeopathic treatment for Liver Abscess when pain in liver gets worse by slight touch or movement

Nux Vomica is a natural homeopathic medicine of great help in the treatment of liver Abscess when the pain in liver gets worse by a slight touch or movement. The pain can be throbbing, pulsating, shooting, stinging or stitching in nature. The liver region is also very sensitive. The sensitivity is so marked that even the clothing around the liver region seems to be unbearable. Another characteristic symptom to be borne in mind for selecting Homeopathic remedy Nux Vomica forever Abscess cases is a constant urge to pass stool. This symptom whenever present, is considered a highly significant one. The person has a constant urge to pass stool or poop but the stool passed is scanty with an unsatisfactory feeling. Nausea and vomiting may also accompany frequent passing of stool. Peculiar cravings in the diet are fats, spicy food and stimulants like coffee or alcohol. Apart from these features, fever with chills is marked. The person has a desire to be covered up warmly due to chills.

Phosphorus: Homeopathic medicine for Liver Abscess when pain gets worse from lying on right side or by applying pressure

When a person with Liver Abscess experiences pain in the liver which worsens by lying on the right side or because of pressure, then Phosphorus is the best natural homeopathic remedy. The pain can be shooting or very sharp in nature. Enlargement of the liver is also noticed along with pain. The person requiring Phosphorus gives a very important symptom of an empty sensation in the whole abdomen. Phosphorus is also a very efficient Homeopathic remedy for Liver Abscess with diarrhea. Such patients complain of loose stool shortly after eating anything. Diarrhoea is accompanied by utmost weakness. Apart from pain, liver enlargement, and loose stool, the person has peculiar cravings in the diet. The significant cravings are those for cold drinks, juices, and ice creams.

Bryonia Alba: Homeopathic remedy for Liver Abscess when pain gets worse from breathing

Bryonia Alba is the most suitable natural Homeopathic remedy when the liver pain due to abscess is aggravated by breathing. The liver also shows enlargement. The liver region is markedly swollen and tense. The person gets relief from the pain of liver by taking complete rest without any motion. The pain can be burning or shooting in nature and may extend to the stomach or to the back in most cases. The person also shows a disgust for food with a loss of appetite. The taste of mouth gets bitter in most cases. Another symptom of high value that is to be considered in the selection of Homeopathic medicine Bryonia Alba is a peculiar thirst. The patient desires large quantity of water at long intervals. Most patients needing Homeopathic medicine Bryonia Alba are constipated with a difficult and hard stool.