
Homeopathic Treatment for Toothache in Nepal

A Toothache is a pain that we feel in gum or around our tooth. Most often, toothache pain is a sign that there is something wrong with our tooth or gums.

Sometimes, however, toothache pain is referred pain. That means the pain is caused by a problem elsewhere in our body.We should never ignore toothaches.Toothaches caused by tooth decay can get worse if left untreated.

Toothaches are usually not life-threatening, but in some cases, they can be signs of serious conditions that require immediate medical treatment.

Toothache pain can range from mild to severe, and it may be constant or intermittent.


  • Tooth pain that may be sharp, throbbing, or constant. In some people, pain results only when pressure is applied to the tooth (biting down on something).
  • Swelling around the tooth.
  • Fever or headache.
  • Foul-tasting drainage from the infected tooth.
  • A bad odor from the mouth.


Common causes of toothaches:

Tooth decay is the most common reason for toothaches. If tooth decay goes untreated, an abscess can develop. This is an infection near our tooth or in the pulp inside our tooth.

A toothache can also be caused by an impacted tooth. This happens when one of our teeth, usually a wisdom tooth, is stuck in our gum tissue or bone. As a result, it can not erupt, or grow in.

Common causes of referred pain toothaches:

Sinusitis is a condition in which our sinuses become inflamed due to a viral, bacterial, or fungal infection in our sinus cavity.

Because the roots of our upper teeth are close to our sinuses, sinusitis can cause pain in our upper teeth.

Less common causes of referred pain toothaches:

Heart disease and lung cancer can also cause toothaches. In some cases, toothache may be a warning sign of a heart attack.

Heart and lung disease can cause toothache pain due to the location of your vagus nerve. This nerve runs from our brain to the different organs in your body, including your heart and lungs. It passes through our jaw.

Rare causes of referred pain toothaches:Uploaded Image

Trigeminal neuralgia and occipital neuralgia are painful neurological conditions that cause our trigeminal and occipital nerves to become irritated or inflamed.

These nerves service our skull, face, and teeth. When they become inflamed, pain can feel like it’s coming from your teeth.

Treating toothaches:

Toothaches usually require medical treatment. Home treatment may temporarily relieve your pain while you wait for your dentist or doctor’s appointment.

Your dentist will use X-rays and a physical exam of your teeth to detect tooth decay or other dental problems. And they may give you pain medication and antibiotics to treat an infection.

If your toothache is due to tooth decay, your dentist will remove the decay with a drill and fill the space with dental materials. An impacted tooth may require surgical removal.


ARNICA : Useful for tootachewhen there is pain, bruising and swelling associated with trauma, surgery or overexertion.

CALENDULA : Helpful for the body to overcome inflammation, infection, and abscess. It can be applied to injured gums and areas around the teeth, the tincture can help reduce the chance of infection, and help the tissues heal after being cut or bruised.

CHAMMOMILA 30 : Helpful when a person is hypersensitive to pain which is intolerable. 

Coffea cruda : Useful for toothache which is triggered by hot drinks and worse at night.

Gelsemium : Helpful for tootache with apprehension and anxiety .There is feeling of trembling and weak from dread.

MERC SOL : Useful for tootache with puffy and bleeding gums.Also there is canker sores with a bad taste in the mouth.There is tendency toward tender, bleeding, swollen gums and teeth that easily loosen and decay .Usefull for Offensive breath, excessive salivation, and swollen glands.Symptoms are worse at night, and the person is very sensitive to temperatures, both cold and hot.

PLANTAGO : Useful for toothache where hollow cavities appear in the affected teeth.
