
Homeopathy Treatment for Coma in Nepal

A person is attacted with deep, persistent and prolonged and unconsciousness from which he cannot be roused by shaking or calling. The case is of COMA (a lesser degree of coma is STUPOR)

 Causes of COMA

  • A head injury, it is the most common cause.
  • Haemorrhagic or embolic lesions within the brain substance.Uploaded Image
  • An hypertensive attack.
  • When a meningeal vessel bleeds.
  • Occlusion of a cerebral vessel by thrombosis
  • A hypoglycaemic condition.

If this coma persists after a nights rest and sleep, the cause could be cerebral infarction or intoxication from hypnotics.

Access the cause of coma first by obtaining the correct history from releatives, neighbours, etc like:

  • Any preceding ill-health like hypertension, diabetes mellitus.
  • Is the patient depressed or suicidal (poisoning)
  • Is the patient subject to headaches (cerebral neoplasm)
  • Did this attack come suddenly (cerebral haemorrhage) or gradually (hypoglycaemia)

Coma in childhood is due to meningitis, epilepsy, intracranial neoplasm or abscesses. In middle age, suspet cerebral haemorrhage.

Symptoms of COMA

The signs and symptoms of a coma commonly include:

  • Closed eyes
  • Depressed brainstem reflexes, such as pupils not responding to light
  • No responses of limbs, except for reflex movements
  • No response to painful stimuli, except for reflex movements
  • Irregular breathing


Although many people gradually recover from a coma, others enter a vegetative state or die. Some people who recover from a coma end up with major or minor disabilities.

Complications can develop during a coma, including pressure sores, urinary tract infections, blood clots in the legs and other problems.

Homeopathic Treatment of COMA

Helleborus niger develops coma and unconsciousness after a blow on the head resulting into concussion, and when arnica Montana fails to relieve the situation. Rolls head from side to side with moaning, if there is hydrocephalus; bores the head into the pillow for relief in case of meningial fever;  this comatose state can come on due to checked exanthemata, blows or disappointed love. Lack of response to sensation; mumbling. Chews, bites when unconscious. Patient constantly picks bedding or lips when comatose.

Hyoscyamus niger is for erotic mania; inclined to immodest acts and gestures. Patient is inclined to laugh at everything. Muttering delirium. Low speech with constant carphologia and deep stupor. Can barely be aroused. Twitching of facial muscles is a grand characteristic, with unconsciousness. Typhoid and other inferctions with coma vigil.

Moschus has violent anger, talks excitedly, raves, scolds, until mouth becomes dry, lips blue, eyes starting and then falls unconscious. In addition, there is coldness of the body in general or of single parts which is characteristic of this remedy.

Coma can be either due to a head injury or due to an embolic or haemorrhagic lesion within the brain substance. The first three remedies that come to our mind are arnica Montana, natrium sulphuricum and opium.

Arnica Montana cures haemorrhage of any kind- strokes, dilatation of blood bessels or rupture of small vessels. In short, haemorrhage into tissues of internal organs or the skin. Characteristic symptom of arnica Montana is that, when the patient is spoken to, he answers correctly but relapses; muttering delirium.

opium, all complains are characterized by stupor, although the complains are painless. All complaints are accompanied by heavy deep sleep. Stertorous breathing and a sweaty skin. Face turns dark mahogany brown. there is passive venous congestion. Effects of stroke. Pupils are contracted.

Profound coma, near death- like state. Coma from uraemia, renal failure, from high fever. Worse from stimulants.

Belladonna is extremely hypersensitive to light, touch and noise; has widely dilated pupils, staring and brilliant eyes. Patient complains of a throbbing headache. Coma from meningitis having a sudden onset, high fever and dilated, glossy eyes.

Gelsminum sempervirens  centers its action upon muscles and nerves. In muscles, it cause an overpowering aching, tiredness, heaviness, weakness and soreness. Bad effects of fright, fear, exciting news, dread of falling; fear of doctors of dentists. Threatened or actual stroke, with coma, paralysis and stupor. Effect of drug overdose.

zincum metallicum, the word fatigue covers a large part of its action. Zincum metallicum is too weak to develop an exanthema a menstruate, to expectorate, to urinate, or to understand or remember. There is restlessness in the limbs; cannot keep them still. Head retracted during coma with starting eyes rolled upwards.