
Homeopathy Treatment for Febrile Convulsions in Nepal

A febrile convulsion is also known as a fever fit or febrile seizure,which is a seizure associated with a high body temperature but without any serious underlying health issue.

It usually occur in young children who are between the ages of 3 months to 3 years.Convulsions can occur in a child during a very high fever that is usually over 102.2 to 104°F (39 to 40°C) or higher. This fever will happen rapidly.The rapid change in temperature is more of a factor than how high the fever gets for triggering a seizure. They usually happen when child has an illness. Febrile seizures are most common between the ages of 12 and 18 months of age.


1. Simple - Simple febrile seizures are more common.  Uploaded Image

2. Complex- Complex febrile seizures last longer.


The symptoms of febrile seizures vary based on the two types.

  • Loss of consciousness
  • Twitching limbs or convulsions (usually in a rhythmic pattern)
  • Confusion or tiredness after the seizure
  • Arm or leg weakness

Simple febrile seizures are the most common. Most last less than 2 minutes, but can last as long as 15 minutes. Simple febrile seizures only happen once in a 24-hour period.

Symptoms of complex febrile seizure are:

  • Loss of consciousness
  • Twitching limbs or convulsions
  • Temporary weakness usually in one arm or leg

Complex febrile seizures last for more than 15 minutes. Multiple seizures may happen over a 30-minute period. They may happen more than once during a 24-hour time frame as well.


Febrile seizures generally happen when our child has an illness, but many times they occur before one may realize that their child is sick. That’s because they usually take place on the first day of an illness.Child may not be showing any other symptoms yet. There are several different causes for febrile seizures:

  • A fever that occurs after immunizations, especially the MMR (mumps measles rubella) immunization, can cause febrile seizures.
  • A fever that’s the result of a virus or a bacterial infection can cause febrile seizures. Roseola is the most common cause of febrile seizures.
  • Risk factors, such as having family members who have had febrile seizures, will put a child at a higher risk for having them.


BELLADONA- There is sudden high fever with a hot head, cold limbs and delirium.Given when perspiration is only on the head and there is no thirst with the fever.Useful when Pupils are dilated, eyes are staring, with a brilliant conjunctiva.There is Jerks and spasms in the limbs.

ARTEMESIA VULGARIS- Helpful in convulsions of nursing mothers or teething children.There is convulsions after cooling off while getting heated from dancing on exertion, from menstrual disturbances.

BUFO RANA-Useful for gas convulsive seizures that occur mostly at night in sleep.Given when it is associated with disturbance of the sexual sphere.There is convulsion can come on in children after nursing from frightened or angry mother.There is fever with delirium and cold feet.

CAUSTICUM-Useful for convulsions due to suppressed eruptions.Given when ailments from long lasting grief when the patient develops mental fatigue.Useful for intermittent fever with no heat stage. Chill is followed by sweat. Keynote vis marked periodicity of fever-every 2,3 or 4 weeks.

CICUTA VIROSA-Useful for convulsions occur due to concussions, pregnancy or delivery.Useful for neck muscles get contracted.Helpful for twitching and spasmodic jerks.There is bending of the head, neck and spine backwards, frightful concortions and odd motions. Useful for fever is accompanied with chilliness.

ZINCUM MET-Useful for febrile convulsion with trembling, convulsive twitching and fidety feet, worse at night, during sleep.There is convulsions from spinal injuries with automatic movements of mouth, arms and hands.Given when fever appears at night with febrile flushes, thirst and a desire to be fanned. There is also marked restlessness of legs and feet.
