


In this nose become irregularly enlarge with accentuation of pilosebaceous orifice. This is mostly seen in middle aged and elderly people. The tissues over growth start at the tip of nose and progress to involve alae nasi. The affected skin varies in colour from normal to deep red.


Rhinophyma was once thought to be caused by heavy alcohol use. This is not correct. Rhinophyma occurs equally in people who do not use alcohol and in those who drink heavily. The problem is much more common in men than in women.

The cause of rhinophyma is unknown. It may be a severe form of a skin disease called rosacea. It is an uncommon disorder.


Symptoms include changes in the nose, such as:

  • Bulb-like (bulbous) shape
  • Many oil glands
  • Reddish color (possible)
  • Thickening of the skin
  • Waxy, yellow surface


Sulphur: rhinophyma with very oily skin. Blackheads are plentiful. Pimples and whiteheads are very large but not that deep. The face, especially the nose, is generally affected and tends to become reddened. Pimples may be painless but itchy. The skin may be rough and worse from washing. The rhinophyma may also be worse from heat, before the menstrual period, and from eating fatty foods. (This remedy is especially indicated for rosacea, a reddening of the face that causes rhinophyma-like eruptions.

Calcarea sulph: severe cystic rhinophyma. Lesions persist in one place for weeks and do not heal quickly. Yellow, creamy pus drains for a long time. Unhealthy-looking skin with yellowish scabs. Pimples on the face and near ears and hairline. The tendency to infections of the sinuses, ears, and tonsils that persist a long time. Person may be warm-blooded and feel worse in warm rooms.