It is usually harmless growths that hang off the skin around the outside of the anus. They may be mistaken for warts or piles (haemorrhoids).
Sentinel pile is also known as a sentinel anal skin tag or rectal skin tag, and, for the more medically minded, also called as hypertrophied papilla or fibro-epithelial polyp. Sentinel piles are common and usually harmless growths that hang off the skin around the outside of the anus at the front edge at the junction of the anus and the perineum.these tags can be found around the anal periphery and may be single or multiple. The anterior one is called the sentinel tag.
Sentinel means guard , It is commonly associated with Fissure-in-ano of chronic type wherein, in the lower part of fissure, skin enlarges and appears like guarding the fissure.
Perianal haematoma—it should be drained to remove clot. Small haematoma may resolve on its own.
Larger one if not drained will form an abscess.
It can cause perianal haematoma, abscess formation, discomfort.
The chronic fissure is treated along with excision of the sentinel pile.
There may be low grade infection and lymphatic oedema.
Haematoma/abscess can develop in it.
ABHI HOMEO HALL is a one and half decade old renowned clinic that offers the best quality, non-toxic and highly effective treatment in Ranchi, Patna and Delhi.
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