
Homeopathy Treatment for Sinusitis in Nepal

Sinusitis is infection or inflammation of the lining of the sinus cavities. These are hollow spaces in our cheeks and around our eyes. Sinus infections often follow a cold and cause pain and pressure in our head and face.

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Sinusitis can be either acute (sudden) or chronic (long-term). With chronic sinusitis, the infection or inflammation does not completely go away for 8 weeks or more.

These are also known as the para-nasal sinuses since they surround the nasal cavity. The para-nasal sinuses include.

  • Frontal sinuses over the eyes in the brow area
  • Maxillary sinuses inside each cheekbone
  • Ethmoid sinuses just behind the bridge of the nose and between the eyes
  • Sphenoid sinuses behind the ethmoids in the upper region of the nose and behind the eyes.

Classification of Sinusitis

Sinusitis can be classified (based on the duration) into

  • Acute sinusitis
  • Chronic sinusitis
  • Recurrent sinusitis


Uploaded ImageThe common causes of this condition include

  • Viruses
  • Bacteria
  • Fungus
  • Excessive nose blowing
  • Foreign objects in nostril (especially in children)
  • Scuba diving
  • Side effects of certain drugs
  • Tooth caries
  • Allergies

Sinus infection may be caused by anything that interferes with airflow into the sinuses and the drainage of mucous out of the sinuses. The sinus openings may be obstructed by anything which causes swelling of the tissue lining and adjacent nasal passage tissue, for example colds, allergies, and tissue irritants (OTC nasal sprays, "coke," cigarette smoke). Sinuses can also become obstructed by tumors or growths which are in the proximity of the sinus ostia.

The drainage of mucous from the sinuses can be impaired by thickening of the mucous secretions, by decrease in hydration (water content) of the mucous brought on by disease (cystic fibrosis), drying medications (antihistamines), and lack of sufficient humidity in the air. The mucous producing cells have small hair like fibers, called cilia, which move back and forth to help the mucous move out of the sinuses. These small cilia may be damaged by many irritants, especially smoke, which then prevent them from assisting the mucous from draining from the sinuses. Stagnated mucous then provides a perfect environment for bacteria and in some circumstances (i.e.: AIDS) fungus to grow in the sinus cavities.


Commonly the symptoms of sinus infection are

1. Headache

2. Facial tenderness or pain,

3. Fever.

However, as few as 25% of patients may have fever associated with acute sinus infection.

Other Common Symptoms include

1.Cloudy, discolored nasal drainage

2.Feeling of nasal stuffiness, a sore throat, and a cough.

3.An increased sensitivity or headache when lean forward.

In allergic sinusitis

1. Itching eyes

2. Sneezing

3. Tiredness & Weakness .


Homeopathic not only treat the acute infection or inflammation, but also the inherent tendency to have sinusitis repeatedly. Individual tendency to frequent upper respiratory infections or sinusitis can best be treated with homeopathic approach of individualistic treatment . Recurring sinusitis finds wonderful treatment with homeopathy. Homeopathy treats acute infections as well as the tendency to have infections or allergy. It is almost always possible to avoid antibiotics and sinus surgery if one adopts the homeopathic alternative.


1. Silicea : Best medicine for sinus infection mainly on the right side.There is feeling of chilliness and is very sensitive to cold air. Covering up warmly provides relief.Useful for nasal stuffiness.Useful for nasal discharges get clogged in hard crusts.

2. Belladonna : Useful for sinus infections when sinus headache is due to suppressed discharge.Useful for sinusitis patient who complains of a violent headache which get relief from the headache by binding the head tightly or applying pressure. Useful for throat pain and cough when the sinus infection travels down the throat.

3. Kali Bichrome : Useful for Sinusitis where the discharge drops back into the throat despite coming out of the nose. There is thick and mostly yellow discharge which can be ropy too.There is pain and heaviness in the nose.Useful for blocked nose with an inability to breathe through it.Best remedy for headache above the eyes due to a sinus infection.

4. Merc Sol : Useful for sinusitis when the nasal discharge is yellowish-green with a burning feeling.Given when nasal membrane gets corroded and ulcerated due to the offensive and thick acrid discharge.Useful for headache with heat in the head along with nasal discharge.

5. Pulsatilla : Useful for Sinusitis when there is green-colored nasal discharge that is bland (without burning)which relief in the open air. There is horribly offensive discharge and the patient has a headache above the eyes. There’s an absolute absence of thirst in patients.

 6. Spigelia : Useful for headache when the left-side frontal sinus is infected.There is severe throbbing pain over the left eye. There is dropping back of discharge into the throat from the nose.

7. Bryonia Alba : Useful for left-side sinus headache where there is bursting type of pain in forehead over left eye which get worse by motion and relief by taking rest.

8. Sticta : Very useful to treat nasal blockage in a person with inflamed sinus. Useful for that patients who have no nasal discharge despite making quite an effort. There is a constant pressure on the nose. 

9. RL-14