
Homoeopathic treatment for Turbinate hypertrophy in Nepal

Turbinate hypertrophy is a condition affecting the respiratory mucosa. The turbinates, also known as nasal conchae, is a part of the nasal fossa. They are six narrow, curled shelves of bone and connective tissue covered by a mucosa that protrude into the breathing passage of the nose. The turbinates ensure that the air passing through the nose is heated up and humidified. Sometimes they can become inflamed and increase in size. This is what happens when have turbinate hypertrophy.Uploaded Image


Turbinate hypertrophy can cause the following symptoms:

  • A sensation of blocked, obstructed nose;
  • Trouble breathing;
  • Headache;
  • Secretion of mucus from the nose into throat;
  • Sinusitis;
  • Snoring;
  • Dry, tickly cough;
  • Dry mouth;
  • Impaired sense of smell;
  • Bad breath;
  • Itchy nose;
  • Sleep apnea;
  • Pain at the base of nose;
  • Sneezing;
  • Nosebleeds (epistaxis);
  • Nasal or metallic sounding voice (rhinolalia);
  • Hearing loss (hypacousia);
  • A muffled sensation in your ears


Some risk factors that may lead to turbinate hypertrophy are:

  • Seasonal or perennial allergic rhinitis
  • Non-allergic or vasomotor rhinitis
  • A change in temperature or humidity
  • Taking certain medications or being on hormone therapy
  • Frequently recurring common cold
  • Exposure to certain chemicals
  • Smoking;
  • Emotional stress


To confirm a diagnosis of turbinates hypertrophy, one will need to go through medical history with their doctor and do the following exams:

  • Rhinofibrolaryngoscopy;Uploaded Image
  • Nasal cytology;
  • Rhinomanometry;
  • Allergy testing


SANGUINERIA NITRICUM : Useful medicine for turbinate hypertrophy with nasal blockage with difficulty in breathing. They have to breathe through the mouth due to nasal blockage. There is dryness of mouth.Also Sometimes there is feeling of pressure at the root of the nose.Recommended for Sneezing and burning sensation in the nose

LEMNA MINOR : Useful medicine for turbinate hypertrophy with nasal blockage..Also help to relieve nasal discharge and excessive sneezing when present in turbinate hypertrophy cases.Useful for foul smell from nose or loss of smell.

KALI BICHROME : Useful for turbinate hypertrophy in persons having a history of sinusitis.Helpful when the nose is dry and feels stopped up all the time.Also useful for loss of smell.There is pressure and pain  felt at the root of the nose. Useful for burning sensation and soreness feelingh in the nose

NATRUM MUR : Excellent medicine for turbinate hypertrophy in persons having runny nose which alternate with nasal blockage.There is intense sneezing with loss of smell too. Very very  useful medicine to treat cases of turbinate hypertrophy in persons who have tendency to nasal allergies.

PHOSPHORUS : Well-indicated medicine for epistaxis when there is bleeding from the nose (epistaxis).There is swelling of turbinate bones. They have nasal bleeding where blood is bright red. They may have nasal bleeding many times in a day which is usually profuse. They may also feel a bad smell in the nose. They also have stoppage and fullness sensation in the nose along with above symptoms.