Molluscum contagiosum is a viral skin infection that causes raised, pearl-like papules or nodules on the skin.
- It is most commonly seen in children affecting around 17 percent of young children between 2 to 12 years of age. It usually affects the face, neck, hands and armpits but may be found anywhere on the body except palms and soles.
- In adults molluscum contagiosum is generally seen on the groin and genitals as a sexually transmitted disease.
- The virus spreads through direct skin to skin contact and through contact with contaminated objects door knobs, tap handles, toys, swimming pools and so on. Rubbing or scratching the eruptions spreads the virus to the nearby skin thus spreading the molluscum.
- Also the patient with molluscum contagiousum should be investigated for HIV and AIDS as five to twenty percent of immune compromised people with AIDS and HIV have symptomatic molluscum contagiosum virus.
- Some of the issues which lead the patients of molluscum contagiosum to consult a doctor are secondary infections, bleeding, discomfort, itching, and potential scarring along with social and emotional reasons like fear of embarrassment, disrupted cosmetic appearance, social exclusion and fear of transmission to others.

- Molluscum contagiosum is caused by a virus that is a member of the poxvirus family. You can get the infection in a number of different ways.
- This is a common infection in children and occurs when a child comes into direct contact with a lesion. It is frequently seen on the face, neck, armpit, arms, and hands but may occur anywhere on the body except the palms and soles.
- The virus can spread through contact with contaminated objects, such as towels, clothing, or toys.
- The virus also spreads by sexual contact. Early lesions on the genitalia may be mistaken for herpes or warts but, unlike herpes, these lesions are painless.
- Persons with a weakened immune system (due to conditions such as AIDS) may have a rapidly worse case of molluscum contagiosum.
- Typically, the lesion of molluscum begins as a small, painless papule that may become raised up to a pearly, flesh-colored nodule. The papule often has a dimple in the center. These papules may occur in lines, where the person has scratched. Scratching or other irritation causes the virus to spread in a line or in groups, called crops.
- The papules are about 2 - 5 millimeters wide. There is usually no inflammation and subsequently no redness unless you have been digging or scratching at the lesions.
- The skin lesion commonly has a central core or plug of white, cheesy or waxy material.
In adults, the lesions are commonly seen on the genitals, abdomen, and inner thigh.
Homeopathic medicines continued for longer period of time helps improve immunity levels with good nourishing skin, for those suffering from skin problems.
The homeopathic medicine raises the vitality and immunity of the patient and helps the body to heal itself by stimulating the body's own healing power to fight the disease. homeopathy is highly recommended for molluscum contagiosum.
Thuja – Thuja is indicated for eruptions like molluscum and wart like eruptions that are found near the rectal region. Scratching the eruptions makes them worse. The eruptions that require Thuja are mostly found on the covered parts of the body with suppressed sweat.
Sulphur – Sulphur when used in the potentised form is a wonderful homeopathic remedy for molluscum contagiosum. Sulphur is indicated when itching and burning making the condition is rough with soreness in the folds of skin.
Tuberculinum –Tuberculinum is one of the homoeopathic medicines for molluscum that is often given to stop the recurrence of the frequent molluscum.
Kali Bromatum – Kali bromatum is one of the common homoeopathic remedies for eruptions beginning on limbs and extending over whole body, except face. The itching is often more at night and on getting warm. The eruptions are often cherry-red at their circumference, have an onion-peel color in centre, turn white on pressure or on exertion of the limb. Sensibility of the skin is overall diminished.