Scrofula is a condition in which the bacteria that causes tuberculosis, causes symptoms outside the lungs. This usually takes the form of inflamed and irritated lymph nodes in the neck.
It is also called as tuberculosis of the lymphatic system.
Scrofula is the most common form of tuberculosis infection that occurs outside the lungs.
Historically, scrofula was called the “king’s evil.” Until the 18th century, doctors thought the only way to cure the disease was to be touched by a member of a royal family.
Scrofula most commonly causes swelling and lesions on the side of the neck. This is usually a swollen lymph node or nodes that may feel like a small, round nodule. The nodule usually isn’t tender or warm to the touch. The lesion may start to get bigger and may even drain pus or other fluid after several weeks.
In addition to these symptoms, a person with scrofula may experience:
Mycobacterium tuberculosis, a bacterium, is the most common cause of scrofula in adults. However, Mycobacterium avium intracellulare can also cause scrofula in a minority of cases.
In children, nontuberculosis bacteria causes are more common. Children can contract the condition from putting contaminated items in their mouths.
People who are immunocompromised are at greater risk for scrofula.
For someone who is immunocompromised due either to an underlying condition or medication, their body doesn’t have as many immune system cells, especially T cells, to fight off infections. As a result, they’re more vulnerable to get the condition.
Those with HIV who are on antiretroviral therapies tend to experience greater inflammatory responses to tuberculosis bacteria.
Less than halfTrusted Source of those who have scrofula also have tuberculosis in their lungs. It’s possible that scrofula can spread beyond the neck and affect other areas of the body.
Also, a person can experience a chronic, draining open wound from the neck. This open wound can allow other types of bacteria into the body, which can lead to further serious infections.
AURUM METALLICUM : Use of gold as an anti-venereal and anti-scrofulous remedy is very old, but has been well-nigh forgotten by the old school until rediscovered and placed on its scientific basis by homeopathy, and now it can never be lost again. When syphilis is implanted on the scrofulous constitution, we have one of the most intractable morbid conditions, and gold seems to be especially suited to the vile combination.
DROSERA : Tubercular manifestations, or a strong family history of tuberculosis, put up a strong family history of tuberculosis, put up a strong plea for the consideration of Drosera in any disease. Under the influence of Drosera glands of neck, if they have to “break”, produce only very small openings; old suppurating glands soon diminish in size, and close. Old cicatricial tissue yields and softens; deep, tied-down scars relax, and come up, so that deformity is greatly lessened. While the improvement in health, in appearance, in nutrition, where Drosera comes into play, is rapid and striking.
CALCAREA CARBONICA : there is sweat on the head which is chiefly confined to the scalp and is sour and
offensive. The glands swell readily and tend to suppurate, the face is pale, and such patients are slow and sluggish; the fontanelles are open, there is a large abdomen and a swollen upper lip; this is characteristic. Dentition is slow, the feet are cold and clammy. There is constipation with chalky stools. Partial sweating is very characteristic as about the head at night. Emaciation, the skin hangs in folds which are flabby.
SULPHUR : The child is active, nervous and quick, sweats about the head and has a coarse, dry skin and a tendency to eruptions; the head is large, the fontanelles open, there is a defective osseous growth, a tendency to rickets and caries of the spine, appetite is voracious, glands diseased, patient hungry and emaciated. Child looks like a dried-up old man skin is yellow wrinkled, flabby and dirty.
BARYTA CARBONICA : Emaciated, large abdomen, hunger and emaciation. Mental and bodily weakness. It also has pimples, humid sores and other skin manifestations. Stony hard indurations also are marked.
SILICEA : This remedy corresponds well to the scrofulous diathesis, swellings and suppurations of glands.
Imperfect nutrition from mal-assimilation, not from want of food, sweat of head and offensive sweating ;of feet indicate Silicea. Tendency to boils, indurations and carbuncles.
GRAPHITES : Enlargement of glands of axilla, groin and neck, skin symptoms, diarrhea which is thin, offensive and partially digested. The abdomen is large and hard. It is especially indicated by the unhealthy skin conditions, the eruptions it produces and also; the anaemia; it produces an anaemia almost as marked as Ferrum. The patients requiring Graphites are especially liable to take cold. Infiltration of tissues is another condition.
PHOSPHORUS : Like Drosera appears to break down resistance to tubercle, since workers in match factories have been esp. liable to consumption, and have suffered from caries and necrosis of bone.
Phosphorus helps to cure not only bone troubles, but “Scrofulous glands”, but always in the typical slender Phosphorus children, who grow too rapidly: delicate, waxy, anaemic. Bruise easily: easy bleeders: with Thirst for cold water, hunger for salt: love of ices: are nervous alone-fear the dark, rather apathetic and indifferent.
THERIDION : “Has an affinity for the tubercular diathesis.”Has been used with success in caries and necrosis of bone. “It appears to go to the root of the evil and destroys the cause.”e.t.c
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