Pyuria is a urinary condition related to white blood cells.This can be identified through urine test.
It will diagnose pyuria if one have at least 10 white blood cells in each cubic millimeter of urine. This often indicates infection. In sterile pyuria, however, persistent white cell counts appear during testing without bacterial infection.
Pyuria refers to having white blood cells or pus cells in the urine. Women are at a greater risk for pyuria than men.
A urinary tract infection (UTI) is the most common cause of pyuria.
Other causes of pyuria may include:
The long-term use of the following drugs can also cause pyuria:
Symptoms of a UTI may include:
Pyuria not caused by a UTI can share similar symptoms. You may notice:
Some cases of pyuria don’t cause symptoms. It’s important to have an annual urine test to detect possible issues.
Left untreated, pyuria can lead to further health complications. Since most cases are caused by some form of an infection, this can spread throughout the body. Untreated infections can lead to blood poisoning and organ failure. Permanent kidney damage is a concern with untreated UTIs. Severe cases of pyuria, left untreated, could be fatal.
Sometimes getting an incorrect diagnosis can also complicate treatment. In some cases, treating pyuria with an antibiotic may make the condition worse. This is perhaps because many symptoms of pyuria are actually attributed to inflammation and not bacterial infection.
If one is pregnant, a routine uranalysis may show pyuria. While this can be alarming, pyuria is actually common during pregnancy. It can happen because of excess vaginal discharge. If test reveals pyuria, doctor will need to determine the cause to recommend the best course of treatment. While vaginal discharge may contaminate urinalysis results, it’s important to make sure one don’t have a UTI or another type of infection.
Usually pyuria isn’t a cause for concern in pregnant women. If misdiagnosed or left untreated, though, it could put one and her baby at risk for further health complications. Severe pyuria associated with an untreated UTI may lead to premature birth or a low birth weight in full-term babie
CANTHERIS:Useful for pyurea with burning after urination.There is constant desire to urinate.Useful for tenesmus of the bladder.Also useful for dropping of urine.
APIS MEL:Useful for pyurea with stinging pain in urethra while passing urine.There is urgency to pass urine.
BERBERIS VULGARIS:Useful for pyrea with burning in urethra even when not urinating.There is pain in kidny region and thigh.There is constant urge to urinate with santy urine.Useful for cramping or aching pain in bladder while urinating.
SARSAPARILLA:Useful for pyuria with pain in urethra extend to the abdomen.There is paiful distension and tenderness in the bladder.Useful for child screams from pain before and while passing urine.
UVA URSI:Useful for pyuria where blood is passed along with pus cell in urine.Tere is frequent urging to urinate.Useful for cutting pain in urethra.
ABHI HOMEO HALL is a one and half decade old renowned clinic that offers the best quality, non-toxic and highly effective treatment in Ranchi, Patna and Delhi.
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