Urinary retention is a condition in which one cannot empty all the urine from their bladder. Urinary retention can be acute ie.a sudden inability to urinate, or chronic ie.a gradual inability to completely empty the bladder of urine.
Urinary retention is defined as the inability to completely or partially empty the bladder. Suffering from urinary retention means unable to start urination, or if able to start, can not fully empty the bladder.
Symptoms of urinary retention may include:
There are two general types of urinary retention:
1. Obstructive : If there is an obstruction (for example, kidney stones), urine cannot flow freely through the urinary track.
2. Non-obstructive : Non-obstructive causes include a weak bladder muscle and nerve problems that interfere with signals between the brain and the bladder. If the nerves are not working properly, the brain may not get the message that the bladder is full.
Some of the most common causes of non-obstructive urinary retention are:
Obstructive retention may result from:
ARNICA : Useful for retention of urine from over exertion after labour. There is tenesmus of the bladder which feels sore and full. There is cutting pains in the kidneys .Also useful for involuntary dribbling of urine with constant urging.Given when patient has to wait for a long time to commence urination.There is dark urine with a brick red sediment.
ARSENIC ALBUM : Useful for retention of urine with a feeling that as if the bladder is paralyzed after childbirth. Useful for atony of the bladder in old people. There is scanty, burning and involuntary urine which contains epithelial cells.There is feeling of weakness in the abdomen after urination.
CAUSTICUM : Useful for paralysis for the bladder after long retention of urine and consequent incontinence . There is involuntary passage of urine after coughing or any other condition causing intra-abdominal pressure. Useful for retention of urine after labour or surgical operations.There is black, cloudy, white urine causing itching of the meatus.
COPAIVA OFFICINALIS : Mostly indicated for retention with pain in the bladder, anus and rectum.There is burning pressure with painful urination by drops.Given when there is constant desire to urinate.
HYOSCYAMUS NIGER : Useful for retention of urine after child birth. Also useful for involuntary urination. Given when bladder is paralyzed and patient has no will to urinate.Ther is frequent, scanty, painful urination.
SABAL SERULATA : Useful when there is constant desire to pass urine at night.There is incontinence on exertion like lifting or laughing. Also useful for cystitis from prostate enlargement. There is sedimentation in urine.Also useful when starting the flow of urine is difficult and painful.
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